We love seeing families come together
and want math to be a source of pride and joy.
That’s why we carefully select and train amazing tutors.
Truly understand each child’s learning processes.
Customize our approach to meet each child’s needs
and create success for every student.
It’s a new way of engaging.
We call it Joyful Math!
There’s nothing like that moment when a student who’s been struggling to understand a math concept finally gets it. Their eyes light up! They feel like they can conquer anything.
Traditional math programs don’t provide this. They try to teach every student in the exact same way. Well, we’re not all the same and traditional math typically ends in tears for students and in frustration for their parents.
This is why I started TurningPoint Math! I want parents to be able to enjoy their time with their kids, not spend that precious time frustrated about math.
And most of all - I want every child to experience the feeling of accomplishment that comes with “getting” math!

Our Tutors
More like favorite relatives, our tutors come alongside your child (and you) as trusted advocates and compassionate guides. Going beyond the old way of memorizing processes and facts we put your child in the driver's seat teaching them to set and reach their own goals.
(An explanation of the Tier System is below the bios, scroll on down to find that)
Our Tiered Tutoring Rates
What We Believe
Family Harmony
Family time can focus on celebrating your child's success.
Math progress can be a source of pride.
Families can be happy again.
Success For Every Child
Neurodiversity is a superpower!
Teaching to each child’s learning style and strengths works.
Every child can discover math on their own terms.
Joyful Math
Our tutors’ passion for math is contagious.
Math games instill confidence.
Focus on fun = smiles.